Oh boy.
Let’s start with the life updates. As most of you know, I have left Malta back in January. I had a great job lined up, but unfortunately, due to bureaucratical reasons, the Maltese government never gave me the actual work permit which allows me to stay in the country legally.
I had a decision to make at the end of December: either leave Malta temporarily and hope that I end up getting a work visa for Malta, or leave Malta permanently, and choose a different path.
I chose the second, scarier option. Because what scares you will usually end up being better than you can imagine.

I came back to Canada, said goodbye to Malta, and decided it was finally time to focus on my lifelong dream: moving to Vienna.
Now, one thing that really surprised me, was how easy it was to make this dream come true. As soon as I started thinking about Vienna, various opportunities presented themselves. For example, I applied for the Visa easily, and received it in only two days. I bought a return flight for March 8th (arriving March 9 in the morning), and this ticket was refundable, so it was more affordable to buy it in advance. Next thing I know, I get an audition for the Vienna Philharmonic Choir for the evening of the 9th. While applying for some jobs in Vienna, I got a call back for two remote positions, both in my field, within a week of applying.
I am now realizing that when something is meant for you, it will also come easier. Comparing my experience to move to Vienna to staying in Malta is like night and day. I was honestly astonished, and because of this have been paying much more attentions to omens.
So while I’m in Canada, and my path to Vienna is basically carved out for me, I have decided to take up a job in order to make money for my new life. I applied to many places, but one Saturday, I walked into a restaurant, which ended up turning into a one-hour discussion with the owner. He finished the conversation by saying I start tomorrow. This was also the perfect situation, because waitresses get between 35-75$ an hour if you include tips. The best part, is that it has been an absolute pleasure working at this pub. An amazing team, great food & atmosphere, and I feel like my skills are valued. This is a complete turnaround from my previous job that I quit in September. I think it also helps knowing that it is not permanent, so I am grateful. One more thing: my best friend got hired a few days after me, and now I get to see her more than I could have imagined.

One last update, before I get into more self-development topics: I finally got my Ukrainian passport, which makes me so happy! I am so proud to be a dual-citizen of both of these countries.
Okay, now on to more serious discussions. Back near the start of the year, I reflected on what were the main lessons I had learned throughout the year. I am both shocked and proud about them, especially after reading what I learned in 2021:
The Lessons I’ve Learned in 2021:
1. You are the only one that can hold yourself accountable
2. Not everyone is inherently good
3. You can’t give love to everyone; it’s sacred
4. No matter how much you think you know someone, they can still let you down
6. Don’t give anyone the chance to tell you “no” twice
7. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t make you special
8. If you actually want to change something, you need to go for it 100%, no exceptions
9. I learned how to set boundaries
10. Living the simple life isn’t boring
11. It’s easy to take things for granted and just call it “adapting quickly”
12. Spending time alone is awesome
13. I am stronger and more brave than I thought
14. There should be moments that you keep only to yourself
15. Friends are from the heart, not distance

The Lessons I’ve Learned in 2022:
1. Setting boundaries also means dealing with uncomfortable feelings
2. You have to feel uncomfortable feelings if you want to grow/be happier in the long term
3. The long term consequence on you is worse than the short term consequence on someone else when you don’t set a boundary or be «selfish»
4. No one treats you badly on purpose. They do what they can with the capacity and knowledge that they have
5. People treat you the way you accept to be treated, not the way you BELIEVE you DESERVE to be treated.
6. If you accept people into you life that don’t align with your values, those are the only people you will attract, because you will start vibrating at a lower frequency. Even if you believe you are better, your actions are more truthful.
7. The more you settle, the more you confuse it with your standards
8. If something doesn’t align with your values, it’s better to stop engaging asap, because the longer you stay, the harder it is to stop. You will start accepting it, but end up miserable if not during, then afterwards.
9. You don’t need to give everyone a change, or try everything
10. You need to do what YOU think is best, and not always take advice from others, even if they are older or «wiser».
11. The world is not objective, so intentions don’t matter
12. Nothing is ever about you, it’s about people’s perception of you
13. Meditation is great for its own sake
14. You’re never going to have time for the things you don’t want to do, but you’ll always have time for the things you want to do.
Which one of these, either 2021 or 2022 spoke to you the most?
Last week I uploaded a video talking about The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, with some habits that I was planning to implement in my daily routine. Here is how that has been going:
Main Goal: Non Perfectionism improved a lot, just by being aware.
Other Important Goals: need to prioritize dating myself, meditating, reading, and no phone use before bed.
Other Goals I worked on:
- No phone in the morning and waking up early: still going great
- Meditation was off to a good start but started to lack once I started working late shifts.
- Mantras are going well. I will focus on the morning ones, as those are the ones I feel more of an effect from.
- Setting Boundaries is going well
- Physical activity has been hard to do, as it’s very cold in Canada, and I recently got piercings, so I cannot swim. I have decided to change this goal to 30 minutes of fresh air daily.
- I listen to music everyday, so I’ll switch the goal to playing piano/singing instead (to work on my repertoire for Vienna)
- Reading is lacking because I schedule it before bed, when I might be coming home late from work. Since my shifts won’t start til 11am or later, I can prioritize reading in the morning, or even buying a Kobo so I can read on the bus.
- Nourishment is going well, usually eating 3 healthy meals a day. Need more attention to fruits and vegetables.
- Not using my phone before bed is an issue. I justify it as “decompressing” but I know it is just a habit. I will focus on building a healthier “decompressing” habit.
- Writing gratitude/improvements has been good.
- Need to work a bit more on my website, but I’m regaining traction.

Alright folks, that’s about it. Thanks for following me for this long. I hope something form this blog can inspire your own journey. Remember, one day at a time!
“Friends are from the heart, not distance!”
Love this Anastasiya….wish you every success and good luck in all of your new endeavours xxx
Thank you Paul! <3 wishing you all the best too
“Soaring over Parliament Hill” photo
(taken from the famous West-In pool?)
makes proof your blog is genuinely true.
I actually stayed at the Westin with a friend who works there! She had a complimentary stay 😀
Best of luck in your new journey in life.. I like the things you shared in your blogs..best wishes