Goal Setting and Improving… What’s Next?
Goal Setting and Improving… What’s Next?

Goal Setting and Improving… What’s Next?

I am back and 

Better Than Ever!

Well, well, well.

I’m back! And now, hopefully, I will be doing these weekly again. However, I have decided to make the blogs less about travel, and more about my goals and experiences, how my YouTube channel used to be (yes, the YouTube will also go back to motivational videos).

Just to give you a little bit of a recap since I wrote here last, I moved into my new apartment, I bought a piano keyboard, and have been working full time at my job. 

The apartment is amazing, better than I expected. First of all, it’s super clean because I am a clean person, and with no one else to tell what to do, it’s heaven. This has been a dream come true. Second, it is so calm. I really needed this space to be able to be fully comfortable in my surroundings, and it has given me the peace I have wanted. In fact, I am currently writing this blog post on a Tuesday evening sitting on my balcony and watching the sunset. Even though I am on the 2nd floor, There is a car park and church in front of me, so I can actually see for several kilometres in front of me. Now the keyboard is just a cherry on top. I have played the

piano every chance I got ever since I left Canada, but I never knew whether it would be my last. In these past 4 months (almost), I have written a whole song, practiced most of my repertoire (including singing), and have composed snippets of other songs too. My goal is to release these songs one by one as the year comes along.

Work has also been great. I finally found a job that I find intrinsically (and extrinsically) rewarding, which has been so so important for me. In fact, I think that is why I have volunteered so much in University, because to most people, work that makes you feel like you are making a difference feels sooo much better than making a ton of money and not knowing what to do with it. Luckily, this job also really values me, and is paying me better than I’ve ever gotten paid before, which is a plus. The bottom line is, I am enjoying every minute I am spending alongside the kids, planning lessons, swimming or playing with them, or brainstorming with my amazing colleagues. This workplace is also the most healthy one I’ve worked in, where the team really wants the best for each other, and there is no drama whatsoever (that I am aware of).

Goals are important, but so is mental health.

So in terms of this becoming a more goals-oriented blog, I completely understand if you are not willing to follow me anymore. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t even gotten to this part yet. But if you have, welcome. 

I believe that through my journey as an open-minded spiritual being, I can share a lot of what I am learning every day with you, and you can take anything I say and try to apply it to your own life. Please let me know how I am impacting you, and whether you try anything I mention. Let’s start a conversation! 

PS: I’m sorry to those I have not responded to in a while. I have honestly been feeling very overwhelmed with all the moving and work stuff I had to do. I will be getting to my emails very shortly, and I look forward to chatting with you. Alright, let’s get to it. So I realized

that for me to be happy, I need to have goals to reach, and various steps to do to reach them. In January, when I started my YouTube channel (thanks to a very encouraging friend), I was super motivated to make big life changes, and I did get to most of them. However, as soon as I started travelling, all my good habits went out the window. The one I worked on the most was no phone in the am and pm, but between jet lag and trying to catch up with my friends, it didn’t work out. I am slightly ashamed of this, because I let myself down, but after these wonderful 4 months, it’s time to get back into it. 

Besides my main goals, I’m trying to cook a lot (I’ve cooked every other day for the past 2 weeks). I also randomly met 2 Belgian guys Gilles and Luca and we went to Gozo for one day! It was amazing! I really love being spontaneous. 

The first thing I will focus on is of course the phone use. Alongside not using my phone before bed and when I wake up, I am adding in an evening routine, which includes skin care and reading, and a morning routine, which includes yoga/stretching, podcasts and upbeat music. The goal is to make these things come naturally, so that I don’t need to force myself to do them. Ideally, I would do these as often as possible, but I’m starting out with a daily goal.
A few other goals include swimming twice a week and running on the weekends, going to the beach as often as possible (this helps me recenter and get away from technology because I spend time writing and reading), and playing piano 3x a week.

I’ve also made a weekly schedule reminding myself to do my routines, but also as a way to track and keep myself accountable. I have 2 accountability partners, and I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend finding one if you don’t have one already. It is literally the #1 tip I hear from motivational speakers, so you should do it.

Okay, that was a long blog, but I am excited for this next chapter in my life, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Have a lovely rest of your week.

Yours truly,

PS: enjoy this photo of how Maltese bus drivers consistently go within centimetres of other vehicles without a fright. This was at a very busy bus stop.

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