Yep. It’s true. Although definitely not as glorious as it sounds.
Let me start from the beginning.
As you know, I planned to move to Vienna in March. The day of my departure was March 8th. I knew I was cutting it a little close coming back only one day prior from a WONDERFUL trip to see my best friend in London, Ontario… As much as it was worth it, I couldn’t stop stressing about there being a delay.
Another thing I risked was booking a train that was scheduled to arrive to the airport 2 hours prior to departure time (6:15pm). I was hesitant, but I took the risk.
We took off at 2:20pm, as planned. Everything was going smoothly, I was working on some music editing, and was planning to even journal about my new journey. HOWEVER.
About 30 minutes into my ride, the train comes to a full stop. At first I thought it was a scheduled stop, and a few minutes later, they announced “We are checking the train, we will let you know any further information”. I knew I was already cutting it close, but this was definitely the cherry on top. And then they confirmed that it would take at least an hour to fix. I called my mom, freaking out.
“How am I supposed to get to Vienna now?!”
Mama was a star. She calmed me down.
I also called a few friends, who were all SO helpful and morally supportive. One even offered to come stay the night with me in Montreal so I wouldn’t be alone. I will never forget the unconditional love I felt in that moment. Gotta love having those people close to you.
My mom told me not to worry, and offered to buy me a new ticket. But that didn’t sit right with me. I was determined there was another way than spending over 1000$ on a one way flight.
Eventually, the train started to move, but the ETA to the airport was 5:42, barely half an hour before departure. There was no way I was going to make it.
We arrive to the train station, but I still had to catch a shuttle to the airport. I run for my life. I got the last spot on the bus. As soon as the driver found out that some of us had a plane to catch STAT, he turned our whole experience into formula 1. I was cracking jokes, trying to lighten the mood. In fact there were some people flying directly to Vienna, and I thought to myself that would be plan B if I missed my flight. The driver even took us a different way and we avoided at least 15 minutes of traffic. God bless Farooq.
I arrive to the airport at 5:55. At this point I already knew I had to do whatever. it. takes. I scurried to security, yelling “please let me through, my flight is in 15 minutes”. My voice started to break. But I pushed through. The other passengers were kind enough to let me cut through. But the security guy was giving me a hard time. I gave him one look of despair and he let it go.
I get through security, it’s 6:05. My gate is a good 400m away. I’m running. I feel like I’m gonna pass out. Eventually my run turns into a lazy jog, because I just don’t have the energy anymore, on top of carrying my bag and suitcase. I don’t want to give up. I make it to the gate at 6:10.
It’s too late. The gate is closed.
They tell me to go to aircanada support, maybe they can help. I already knew at this point that I would have to buy a new ticket.
I find the aircanada booth, and I knew there was only one thing I could do to help my situation. My waterworks finally came through. I was sobbing and begging them to get me on the next flight.
And you know what? They clutched it. They gave me a free flight to Paris that was leaving in half an hour. I couldn’t believe it. I have no idea if my tears helped or not, but I was so grateful that I thanked the lady and found my new gate.
Everything was smooth, except for a security yelling at me for going through the international border gate the wrong way. I heard someone yelling but I was sure it couldn’t be at me. I turn around and he’s fuming:
And you know what the best part is? I answered:
“Sorry, I’m on the phone”.
I actually was on the phone with my mom, and that was clearly more important than this silly man.
Anyways, eventually I get to the gate and wait for boarding. At first I got the worst seat (middle seat alllll the way in the back). But somehow my seat changed right as I was boarding, which gave me the exit row with a lot of legroom! This was awesome.
While I was waiting for boarding, my mom and I were on the phone and started looking at flights from Paris to Vienna. I knew the price couldn’t be higher than 1000$. I found one for 300 and booked it. As I was getting on the plane, I noticed I didn’t get a confirmation email, and instead got an email saying the transaction didn’t go through.
I freaked out (again), and knew I had to contact my mom to tell her it didn’t go through. But there was no more wifi. I decided to ask the guy sitting next to me. He looked like he was about my parents age, with a kind smile.
“Hey, can I ask you a weird question? I don’t have a phone plan but I need to call my mom since I changed flights”
“Yes of course. Also, that wasn’t a weird question.”
He hands me the phone and I tell my mom what the situation was. She said she would book me the flight and not to worry.
“I love you mama, thank you.”
“I love you too, have a safe flight.”

I continue to speak to the man beside me, and he tells me the CRAZIEST thing. He starts talking about work, and how he’s on tour. I obviously didn’t think he meant a MUSIC tour. But guess what.
I was sitting beside one of MICHAEL BUBLÉS music technicians! They were going on tour in Scandinavia. I couldn’t believe it. When I told him that I was moving to Vienna to start my music career, we just hit it off.
He told me about Michael and how friendly and down to earth he was, as well as how life really is on tour. I felt so lucky.
We continued chatting throughout the flight, but eventually I just passed out.
When I got to the airport in Paris, I noticed that I got two booking confirmations for the flight to Vienna. One from my card, and one from my mom’s. I decided I would go to the desk and figure this out. After asking probably 5 agents, I finally found the right desk. But this lady told me that BOTH payments didn’t go through. She directed me to go through the airport garage to get to the payment counter quicker. Bless her for giving me this shortcut.
I get to the payment counter, and wait a good hour, just so I can buy this fricken ticket. They even accused me of cutting the line since I was standing so close to the front. I was (and still am) very tired, and couldn’t comprehend half the things that were happening.
Eventually I get to the ticket counter, and this lady also confirms that both payments have been voided. So I buy a new ticket and head to the security check.
I finally get through, and now I am sitting at my gate to go to Vienna.
I can’t believe so many things happened to me, both good and bad, but it was definitely a story for the plot.
Just a little bit more to go! See you soon, Vienna!
Just the most incredibly life-affirming story
I’ve ever experienced hearing!
All my daylong and overnight
delays and missed flights
in Paris, Frankfurt and Istanbul
do not possibly equal
to this one
Love love love the story and your positive mood in those challenging yet excited situations!
Great story.. tensed, fast paced yet with happy ending.. enjoy your time