This special edition vlog has distinctive guest Emilie Plater.

I am a currently working on my Masters degree in International Business, with past experience in politics and finance. I am passionate about human rights, social issues, and the environment. My favourite hobbies include music, travelling, and board games with family and friends.
- Self-Confidence
- No one is judging you as much as you think they are
- “Fake it til you make it”
- The more you do it, the easier it gets
- Don’t worry about people’s reaction if you mess up
- Live your life for yourself
- Understand others’ point of view
- “perception is reality”
- Stoic philosophy
- Being Happy Single
- Social media influence and expectations
- What I should want vs what I actually want
- Why I ended a long-term healthy relationship
- Standards in non-committed relationships
- Advice to 16-year old selves:
- “Stop worrying about what other people think, focus on yourself, you’re allowed to be selfish sometimes” – E.P
- “Make those mistakes, don’t worry about things that won’t matter in a few years, take those risks” – A.G