Every day I learn to
love Malta even more
Hello again,
I’m proud to say that you will be reading this on Friday morning ET time. It’s kind of a bittersweet reason why I was on time today.
First of all, I don’t have as much content this week, as Malta is a small island, and once I like a neighbourhood or beach, I tend to go back to it a lot. Secondly, I really am trying to focus on living in the moment, so taking videos is a little bit paradoxical, as I also want to remember the moment. After speaking with a good friend of mine, she gave me some good advice regarding my dilemma. From now on, I will film more videos of myself talking and recounting experiences, of course mixed in with actual footage of the landscapes, but I want my personal takes on the trip to be featured. I can do these from my room, and like this I’m not taking away from my experience when I’m out of the house.
A final reason why this blog is on time, is that I unfortunately got sick a few days ago. No one really knows what it is, but I had the same thing in November. The doctors just treated it like strep throat. After 24h of antibiotics, I’m already feeling much better. In fact, the healthcare here, a country which only recently transitioned from a 3rd world country, is better than in Canada. First of all, I went to a pharmacy 100m from my Airbnb, where there was a doctor all day. I only waited 30 minutes for him to see me, and there wasn’t a huge line. the doctor charged me 10€ consultation fee, and my meds were 15€. I know health care is “free” in Canada, but we usually still have to pay a % of the antibiotics, which probably equal to how much I ended up paying here. It was also really quick service, and everyone was very pleasant.

This week I did a free walking tour, and spent most days on the beach.
The free walking tour was in the capital, and in my Vlog, you will see how similar it is to Plovdiv! I somehow end up on Valetta quite often. I’m lucky enough to live closeby: a short 15 minute bus ride away. And of course, it is beautiful, so who wouldn’t want to come here everyday?
One evening, my host Paul invited the best Sitar player in Malta to play for us! It was a magical meditative experience. I attached a photo of the guy and his beautiful Sitar.
When I’m at the beach, I write in my diary (the things I don’t mention here), I read (currently reading High Performance Habits – highly recommend), and I swim, of course! I am taking more and more time for myself to figure out who I am, and these are perfect opportunities. Thank you for following me on this self-growth journey!

As some of you may know, I have been feeling a little bit homesick and lost these past few days. It’s hard for me to always be positive on this trip, because I don’t necessarily have a goal waiting for me. The goal of this trip IS to find a goal in life, to find meaning. I think I’m going to keep going at it one day at a time, and trust in the process. Again, my close friends, being so far away, still manage to continuously support me and make me feel like they are near, so
thank you.
If you have any recommendations, questions or comments about my travels, please comment below and let me know! I would like to hear from you. 🙂
Yours Truly,