This is the first time that
I was in Ukraine without family!
Hi friends,
I have recently come back from Ukraine, a place I hold very dear to my heart for many reasons. First of all, it is my blood and my family. Second, ever since I started University I was immensely involved in the Ukrainian diaspora. Finally, Ukraine is in a very bad position right now, as even though it celebrated its 30th year of Independence a few days ago, its sovereignty is constantly under threat by the Russian government. I don’t want to get too political, but this is something that grows my bond to Ukraine even more.
While in Ukraine, I went to coffee shops daily, wrote and reflected a lot in my journal, and met up with my friend Dasha quite a lot! I also surprised my grandma one day, and she couldn’t believe I was actually there! I spent the next few days with her, and I even managed to bring her downtown! She hasn’t seen Kyiv in years, so I was really glad I convinced her to join me.
I also met up with my Ukrainian-Canadian friend Dasha, and we went to an amazing music festival with her sister Olena.
This festival cost us 10$ each, and all the proceeds were going towards helping children with intellectual handicaps. It was super fun!
The rest of my time in Ukraine was spent walking around the beautiful streets and parks, and I spent my last weekend there in Lviv. I actually met up with Olia, a girl I met through a Ukrainian-Canadian initiative I started last year, which paired Canadian and Ukrainian students together in the hopes of them becoming friends. Well Olia and I did become friends! I stayed at her place and it felt like I’ve been her friend for years! We shared the same humour and values, and I felt at home the whole time I was there. I also met up with th Ukrainian Catholic University students’ President Anna! She was also very cool, and we went to this bar that served fruit based wine. It was only 2$ a glass, and was delicious. I spent the rest of my time in Lviv walking around the old town and you’ll be glad to know I filmed some content for my Vlog ↓
My last day in Ukraina was spent celebrating Ukraine’s 30th anniversary of independence. I am super proud to be Ukrainian, and the parade was amazing! I’ll be sure to add videos from it in my next Vlog.

I came back to Malta and felt like at home.
This is already the second time that I come back to Malta, and again I feel very comfortable, and feel like it’s my city. Even though it’s completely different to Ottawa or even Ukraine, I still feel a connection to it.
One thing I really love about Malta is how easy it is to make friends. I went to a few “English-Speaking” cafés, and have kept in touch with all of the people I met there. I also randomly met a group of several Spanish-speaking people, who are all just incredibly nice and welcoming. In fact, I did not have a place to stay when I came back from Ukraine, so a kind soul named Ramiro offered for me to stay in his spare bed. Maybe this could have happened in Ottawa, but I’d like to beg to differ 😉 Ramiro and I only met a few times, but himself, alongside the other people in this group are very giving and
try to help when they can, and for that I am very grateful. In exchange for lodging, I am offering him and his roommate a selection of home cooked meals, because these boys only eat take out or don’t eat at all 🙁
I am staying here until next Friday, which is when I move into my new home! That’s right, I set down a deposit for a studio apartment that I will have all to myself! This is a huge milestone for me, because not only is it the first time I’m living completely alone and without roommates, but I’m also paying for it alone, and handling everything all by myself. I don’t mean to brag, but I think this is a huge accomplishment for someone who is only 21. High school Nastia would be so proud right now, because I definitely am. Once I move in and get settled, I will definitely send photos and videos of the place!

I came back to work yesterday, and again was greeted with open arms. I know I have already talked about how much I love the job, but honestly there is nothing overrated about it. The team are all there because they want to be, and I can see the passion gleaming from their eyes. I will be planning for the school year which starts in October, and I have already had so much help.
Besides work, I am hoping to get back into volleyball on a regular basis, as well as am buying a snorkelling set to finally be able to do that as well! I also have a piano student lined up, and if I have time, will join a dance class. Things are finally falling into place – into the dream life that I’ve always wanted. I just want to remember this happy feeling, and I hope that it lasts.
Yours Truly.