It’s important not to lose yourself
when there are so many amazing things around you.
Hello again,
This blog is on time again, yay!
Before you get worried, yes, I feel much better! My cold went away a few days after I started my antibiotics, and I finished taking them a few days ago.
I don’t have too much content this week, but the videos are a little bit less polished, and more genuine. I really didn’t film much because I was trying to enjoy the moments, but you’ll still see some cool places I visited!

This week I actually travelled around Malta a lot!
I started the week (on Saturday) by going to Gnejna bay, which you can see in my vlog. This is the first sandy beach I visited in Malta, and it was amazing! We spent the whole day there, and I really wanted to rent a boat and go exploring, so we did! Yolo, right?
On Sunday I took it easy. I saw Anouk for a bit before she left to Gozo (I joined her on Tuesday), and then I spent the afternoon on the beach swimming, tanning, and journaling. I actually wrote a song this week too, which I will be releasing shortly!
Monday was beautiful, because I got up early to catch the sunrise. The last time I remember doing this was in Greece in 2015,
Thessaloniki. I really felt alive and at peace. On Tuesday, I joined Anouk in Gozo. What a beautiful city! Unfortunately, I did not film much in Gozo, because of privacy issues, but you will see the famous Ramla Beach in my vlog.
The rest of the week we spent in Gozo, and walked around the Citadel, which was beautiful. I have attached some photos here:

Some updates for the next few weeks:
I am going to Bulgaria on June 25th, where I will spend a week at the Black Sea with my family (sister, brother, nephews, cousin, uncle and dad!). We will end the week with my nephews’ baptism! I am looking forward to this.
After Bulgaria, I fly to Vienna on July 6th, where I already have an interview lined up to work in a beautiful café
in the main square of Stephansplatz. I am so so excited for this!!!
Have a lovely day.
Then, depending on my interview, I will either continue to travel, or stay in Vienna for a little. We shall see.
Yours truly,