My First Week in Sofia
My First Week in Sofia

My First Week in Sofia


It’s been a week into my adventure now.

I am finally with my sister and my nephews.

I have missed her so much, and the connection I have to the babies is unreal. My stay started with my brother in law picking me up at the airport, and then I saw my sister once I got to their NEW place (they moved in only a few months ago!). It’s a very beautiful apartment:

Once I arrived to the apartment, I wasn’t able to see the kids as they were already sleeping, so I was looking forward to seeing them in the morning. 

I woke up to two monkeys climbing up on the sofa and crawling on

top of me. Probably the best way to wake up and see their crooked toothed smiles. They had so much energy at 8am, and I was pretty dead from my travels. I played with Philip and Lev a little, and then we had our whole program ahead of us! It goes as such:

8am – wakeup
8:30 – breakfast
9 – 10 play in living room
10-11:30 walk around on BUMPY COBBLE STONES (or else they won’t fall asleep)
11:30 – lunch
12 – practice our walking and climbing steps
12:30 – another nap
13-16 – walk around, play in playground, sleep, cry
16 – snack
16:30-19 walk around, play in playground, sleep, cry
19 – dinner
20 – sleep!

As you can see, we all get a whole 12 hours of potential sleep, which is good for everyone, so we can recharge and face the next day with full energy. This is how most of our days have been going, with some fun activities planned in between. To see what we’ve been doing, check out my first travel vlog ↓

Today, we are leaving to Vratsa, where my brother in law, Metodi, is organizing a HUGE marathon event to raise awareness for children who are born with a cleft lip. In short, this marathon is aiming to raise money for an organization that gives an allowance to families with these kids to cover the costs of operations and other special treatments. On Saturday, Metodi has pledged to run 100km in honour of the cause, and on Sunday, there will be a 25km marathon for all participants. All merchandise and food has been donated, and 100% of the monetary donations are going to the charity, and you can donate here.

After this weekend, I have one more week in Sofia, and I am hoping to visit some more parks. In my video (above), you will see a few very beautiful and grand parks they have here that are so inviting! 

Thank you for following me on my journey.

Yours Truly,

PS: I haven’t taken many photos as I am focusing on videos, so full the full experience, I recommend watching the vlogs!

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