I’d like to say
I’m quite proud of myself
I’ve come really far in the past 4 months. Sometimes I need to remind myself of all the challenges I overcame, and all of the hurdles that I went over, one by one.
Right now, I am living in my own place, on an island that I haven’t heard of until a few years ago, I have a full time job doing something I love with all my heart, and I graduated summa cum laude from University. It’s really important to remind yourself of what you’ve done, and who you’ve become. I definitely am not the same person I
was when I left Canada. I am more confident (and not just acting confident), I am more life-loving, I matured, I understand more about the world (but not close to understanding all of it), and I am making sure to make every decision with pride and honesty. I am learning more about myself, and I have established clear boundaries between those who are close to me, to make sure I can live a fulfilling life.
I am currently visiting my best friend Emilie in Luxembourg, and we are having an amazing time catching up and enjoying the city.

My goals are going well.
What worked:
– morning (yoga) and evening routine
– no phone in am/pm
– workout 3x a week including my first run in Malta!
I had a whole schedule planned out for the week, and as the days passed by, I found myself falling more and more behind. The problem was that I planned too many things in one day, and I planned irrealistically. However, I realized what the problems were, and the following week I loosened up a little bit. Unfortunately, I did not have another sit down on the following Sunday (a week ago), so the week that just passed was unorganized. I know that I truly do need this Sunday day where I solely focus on cleaning my space, planning food for the week, and uploading my blogs and vlogs. I need to be more strict on having
one day of staying home and completing my tasks. I didn’t do it last Sunday because it was my good friend Ramiro’s birthday, and friendships come really close in importance to my own wellbeing and happiness. He often works nightshifts, so we barely get to see each other between the hours of our respective jobs. The birthday was really fun, and I got to spend quality time with him.
My plan for the following week is to plan at least 1 productive thing during the day, and 1 fun thing. I will make a list for each category (productive and fun), and then choose which I will do every day. I will write them in order of importance and urgency, which will allow me to not feel bad when I don’t complete something. In the case that I have a lot of tasks, probably related to work, I will make lists based on must, should and could do.

I appreciate you reading this far, and supporting me during my journey. I hope this can motivate at least one of you in becoming the best version of yourself. I have many friends telling me that they are living vicariously through me, but I encourage you to take the step and live the life you dream of.
Yours truly,