There are many forms of creative expression that can allow us to really understand ourselves. For me, that was always music. I was exposed to it at a young age, like many others. However, as I got older, I slowly discovered various forms of art: painting, dancing, and writing.
Even though I enjoyed most of these, writing was the one that I actually stayed away from the most. Anytime I would write an essay for school, I could never guess the mark I would receive. It was so inconsistent, that I didn’t know what was good and what was bad. Of course, writing, like any other form of art, is subjective, but somehow they had these really strict rubrics in class that I had to follow. Lose a point for having one sentence too little. Lose another point for not using the right connecting words.
"The one who seeks shall find"
The tipping point for me was a research paper I had worked on all semester, which was the closest thing I ever wrote to a thesis. We had to collect data, analyze it, and write a 20 page report. I felt very confident about my idea, and the writing flowed naturally. When I finally submitted it, I though to myself “I actually like writing, this is fun”. Then, on the day of my final exam, I got my paper back.
just trying out this classic paragraph.
I got a C. Not only was I a straight A student, but this was the paper I felt so good about, I felt like I truly did a good job. I met with my professor a few weeks later to discuss it, and she came to me with the same rubric.
For context, the paper was about whether human border officers or an artificial intelligence could better identify a fake passport. In fact, my professor told me that the idea itself was good, but because I didn’t follow the rubric, I got that grade. Even after all her explanations, I still didn’t understand. I found it so arbitrary and confusing, that I gave up on writing.
That was the last time I truly put effort into writing. Until last year. I was preparing myself to potentially move forever across the world (which ended up being permanent), and I decided I wanted a broader way to keep in contact with my friends and family back home. We all know how difficult it is to even call our parents weekly, imagine having to maintain contact with all the important people in your life, with the possibility of never seeing them again.
So that’s how my blog started. I was sitting in the airport, how I am now, and just started writing. No rubric, no rules, just me. My thoughts, my feelings, my ideas. It all came at once. It flowed, I felt free to write as I pleased. And reading it over, I liked it. It was my style. No one could tell me it was wrong.
And so more than a year since that trip, I have been writing several blogs. These blogs were sent to my friends and family on MailChimp, and now I am taking the step to make them public.
I created this website to share this with you. To share my path, my thoughts, and anything in between. I want to share my songs, my travel videos, my motivation vlogs. I am making a name out of myself – a brand. I don’t know what will happen. What I do know is I will hate myself if I don’t try and go out of my comfort zone.
Welcome to my journey.