To be completely honest with you, I have not had the motivation to write a blog for a long time. I hate the thought that progress can only be made when I do public actions, because that is the only way to reach the people I am looking for. Let me put it in other words: I wish I could just share my thoughts with those who want to hear, instead of throwing them into the wind, hoping they will catch on.
I am also struggling to like social media.

Some of you may have seen that I have filmed some coaching tips on Instagram, and even though I like the content and the ideas resonate with me, I really dislike the structure of social media and how content needs to be curated to the shortest of attention spans. Self development is anything but short, and oh boy do you really need to pay attention if you want to get anywhere with it!
What I love about my blog is that I can just sit down one evening when I feel inspired, like today, and write to you from the bottom of my heart. I don’t need to spend hours planning how I’m going to deliver my message just so it can be easily digested. Too much in this world is like fast food, but physically and mentally, and I do NOT feel fulfilled by it. Do you?

Speaking of food habits
I have started focusing a lot more on healthy foods and meal prepping habits. Luckily, at my workplace we have fresh and mostly vegan lunched served, which leaves much less thinking for me in the evening to be creative with my dinner. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good ol’ burger with fries, but lately I’ve had a mindset change regarding my body and health. Instead of forcing myself to eat better and exercise more out of guilt, I have decided to fully appreciate my body and show it how loved it can be. With this approach, even the hardest moments (restricting sugars, doing an extra rep at the gym) become so worthwhile, and I don’t even need to wait for the physical result to feel accomplished. The journey itself becomes the reward.

As you can see, I did end up finding a new job
And it is better than I could have imagined. I was so scared after leaving my old job that I would never find an employer willing to go through the efforts of my visa bureaucracy. But I also believed deep down that the right company would do it. I just felt it. And I was right! I found a place that not only helped me with this procedure, but actually stands for many things I believe in. For starters, it is a B-Corp Company, meaning they focus on people-first, sustainability and progressive social standards. They celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and even goodbyes. They are all about community and sharing the space with everyone. I work at Zoku Vienna, a beautiful rooftop hotel which encompasses a co-working space, café, restaurant, event space(s), terrace and 6 floors of rooms!

I’ve actually been working here since July, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t too good to be true before I shared the news with you. I am the People and Culture Coordinator, and I do everything from A-Z for the employees. From recruiting, onboarding, training, COACHING, event-planning, payroll, finance and budget reports, and setting up cool initiatives like volunteering and going to University fairs, this job encompasses so many skills and projects that I love to do! Even though I do not have any direct reports, I am the go-to person for all employees with inquiries and problems. Often, managers are trusting me to help them navigate difficult situations with their teams, and I work quite closely with the General Manager on these topics. I am starting to settle in quite well, and my plan for next year is to start even more initiatives, especially related to coaching, because they allow me to be as creative as I want! I’m actually still so happy about this, and I go to work full of energy every day. The best part? The people! They don’t just ask “how are you” to make small talk, but they continue the conversation for several minutes because they genuinely care – and I am the cornerstone of this behaviour – the culture! oh, and did I mention it overlooks the world oldest ferris wheel in the Prater Amusement Park?

Fitness Goals
I have gotten a gym membership at a really nice gym which has the normal machines, really cool treadmills where you can choose a VR-like running experience, 3 saunas (including a women-only one), a 25m pool and several classes a day that I can drop in to. This vibe not only makes me want to work out, but I actually feel nice and welcome when I’m there, because they put a lot of effort into the vibe. I go together with Christos, my partner, and it’s not only a great bonding experience, but a perfect, under 10 minutes walk, start to my day.

Did someone say Christmas?
I am also working on a new Christmas song, because of course I wouldn’t leave you without one! This would be my 4th year in a row with a Holiday song, last year’s being on Spotify and the previous two only on Youtube. I am inspired to continue sharing my art with the world, in all shapes and forms. I am curious how do you relate to this work, or even this blog? Does anything stand out to you? What makes you lose motivation to do what you love?

Looking forward to hearing from you, as always.
Yours truly,
Love you my dear for you starting listening your body, your feelings while you are setting and reaching your goals!
thank you! listening to ourselves to find what we truly want is the first step…
Extremely insightful and even somewhat intriguing towards further insights to come…
What resonated with you the most?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and personal experience Anastasiya…we tend to think that other’s lives are perfect because that is what is shown on social media, yet everyone struggles and you proved this perfectly
I’m glad I could share an experience that resonated with you! I hope this can give you courage to also share your story…