Something has shifted.
You know that feeling when you are working in the flow, and you feel like every decision you make is towards your higher purpose? When no matter the obstacles, “failures” or disruptions, you still wake up with a smile on your face, because you KNOW that you’re on the right path?
Well I am feeling this way right now! For more than two weeks (which is a long time given the female hormone cycle) I have been feeling just so RIGHT with everything that has been happening in my life. Yes, things are lining up, however I have also faced quite a few disappointments, and this is practically the first time in my life where I have managed to handle them from a distance, and not associating fully with the negative emotion.
What I mean is, I had tears streaming down my face, but deep down I did not feel the pain. The feeling of being on the right track was stronger.
I have finally taken the step towards life coaching, which has been my calling since I don’t know when. AND… I already have four clients. Feedback has been great so far, and I’m excited to share more with you.
Life coaching is the path for me that I have been working on subconsciously for a very long time. I always get the new kids involved. I take initiative more often than not. I like to bring ideas to the table, but also encourage others to do the same! From school years to university, people have called me motivating and inspiring. Its due to these small things I do every day that have made me into the «motivating person».
I choose to be happy, kind, intentional, and I try to surround myself with like-minded people.
Did you know I used to get bullied? I lot? I got called crazy eyes, annoying, stupid… anything you can name. This obviously upset me, but it also pushed me to try to be even kinder and better. To not allow someone else to feel the way I felt.
One of my best friends was quite shy when I met her at age 13. We spent just a summer together and she was already a completely different person. I make friends in a heartbeat, but also refuse to spend time with people who are not open-minded or don’t like to think deeper. I started my motivational blog over three years ago and STILL get comments about how I am changing peoples lives.
How can I NOT be a coach? It’s in me already.
Now, if you’re wondering where my credentials are, or who’s to say I’m an «expert», let me stop you right there. First of all, I do NOT think I’m an expert or the best in my field. In fact, I am still learning and struggling everyday. But if you are to look at the simple fact of where I was three years ago: finishing my bachelors in Ottawa, and where I am now: having lived and worked in three parts of the world, the changes accumulate to more than some people do in their whole lifetime. This is not to brag, but to prove that by learning in a classroom you will not necessary always get as much as you will on top of real life experience.
I of course also took a Life Coach course, even though this is not mandatory to becoming a Life Coach, and have completed a full Bachelors degree in Psychology. I have almost ten years of teaching work experience, six being in a leadership role. Throughout all of these years, I practiced my life coaching, without knowing that I was truly mentoring others. I naturally gravitate towards trying to help people be their best self.
I help women in their twenties and thirties rewire their negative thoughts and behaviours towards living a life they are happy and proud of. These are currently one on one sessions, spanning from three sessions (Empowerment Foundations) up to six sessions (Desire Mastery). I use my personal experience of suffering, change, and coming back on the other side, but also my experience and education accumulated over the past 10 years.
The Foundations track gives you the tools to create the life you want to live, and the Mastery track delves deeper with six comprehensive sessions, providing in-depth guidance and accountability, as well as resources to help you unveil and pursue your deeper desires, empowering you to live your most fulfilling life. For both tracks, I also offer consistent availability for updates, questions, worksheets, resources and accountability support in between sessions.
So now what? What is stopping you from taking the step to live a better life? How much would you save in money, time and frustration if you experienced a shift from consistently putting yourself down and procrastinating your goals, to living a life with intention and having the tools to emotionally regulate yourself in any situation?
Well, you can start by emailing me through the “Contact Me” page so we can discuss how I can help. All you need to show is your interest to work on yourself, and I can take it from there.
I’m offering an early bird discount if you email me before July 7th.
I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes: “The ego says, ‘I shouldn’t have to suffer’, and that thought makes you suffer so much more. The truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it.” – Ekhart Tolle, Oneness with all Life.
Yours truly,