I’m Back in Malta… For Good
I’m Back in Malta… For Good

I’m Back in Malta… For Good

Do I have news

For you!

Well hello there,

My apologies for going a bit a-wol, but there is a good reason for this. The day before I was going to work on my vlog/blog, I got a phone call from the school I applied to, and they told me I got the job. I was minding my own business, cooking some

bolognese (my favourite comfort food), when I got the call. To be honest, I was feeling very stressed and quite sad that week, so after hanging up, there were some tears of relief and joy.

I am so excited to say that I will be a full time teacher at Inspire, working with kids ages 6-12 starting in October. Training starts tomorrow actually, with various sessions leading up to the school year. This is definitely the start of a new chapter in my life, and I am going into it with my eyes and heart wide open.

New job means lots of paperwork.

After confirming the job, I let them know that I needed a work permit, and luckily they had no problem with this. However, just being a teacher involves a lot of paperwork, not speaking about a NEW residence/work permit from someone outside the EU. So now you can see that ever since I got that call, my free time and energy has been used up by doing lots of bureaucratical business and paperwork. 

Currently, I am sitting outside a doctor’s office, waiting to complete the last step to receiving my permit, but this is still not certain. It’s possible that I am missing some vaccinations from my youth, so I am waiting to find out.

I will definitely keep you all updated on that regard!

Ahhhh, even though I am spending lots of time with adult stuff, I am still managing to have a social life and join some groups. Throughout the past few weeks, I’ve joined a casual volleyball group, tons of facebook groups, started pop singing lessons, and have been at the beach/with friends several times a week. My best friend Anouk recently got a job at a restaurant in the capital city (Valetta), so we’ve been spending less time together, but I’m so proud of her. In fact, today is her 6 month anniversary with her amazing boyfriend, so I’m wishing her all the best. 

This weekend, we are planning a beach day at Comino island, which has the bluest waters in Malta. I am very excited for that!

Also, the school I will be working at has holidays from Aug 9-23, so I’m planning to finally visit my motherland during that time! In fact, I got my j&j vaccine on Monday, so I will be fully good to go by then!

Otherwise, another perk of my job is it has a recreational centre, with a pool, gym, and

fitness classes, and I get an immense discount, so I’m super excited to get started there!

As you may have guessed, I will not be filming/writing so much, now that I am settled into the life here, but I will be sure to send you written updates every once in a while.

Yours Truly.

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