I’m Feeling 22!
I’m Feeling 22!

I’m Feeling 22!

It was my birthday last week.

I turned 22!

Good morning to you!

It is yet another bright sunny day in Malta, with a high of 20 degrees at 9am. I am so grateful to be here, and be able to enjoy such a simple pleasure in November! During the past few weeks, I have been keeping busy with work, but I also was sick quite a lot. There was a positive covid case in my school, so it has been closed since Wednesday last week! Luckily I tested negative, but so many people tested positive! We will be working from home this week, which will continue to give me the opportunity to get a lot done. When I found out we were working from home, I immediately made a huge list of things I wanted to get done (mostly self-improvement things done from my couch). On Thursday and Friday last week, it was a nonstop grind, and I actually managed to get everything done, except

clean my house and bake a pie. I decided I would leave that for a rainy day while I’m working. Contrarily to last week, I have stopped really making lists of what needs to be done each week. Even though I reduced it to musts, shoulds and coulds, I still felt very stressed and irritated when I wouldn’t get something done. I decided instead to focus more on journaling and staying in touch with my thoughts and emotions. This alone has allowed me to properly prioritize and get things done around the house. Of course, sometimes it’s very useful to have a list, but once you get into a routine, you subconsciously know and feel what you need to do, and you get so much more pleasure and satisfaction from doing it when it’s not forced.

My vlogs are back too!

Yes, that’s right. With this stay at home period, I managed to finally edit my vlog from Luxembourg, which you can watch here. I also have a few more lined up, including some musical ones. In fact, I released a song on Halloween titled “Memories of the Fall“, so feel free to give that a listen as well. I’ve realized that as long as I am making music in one shape or form, I feel content and satisfied with my life. I think the meaning of life for me was to learn and always have an undying thirst for being curious, but now I also realize that by playing music, not only are you feeding your soul and brain, but you are also creating something beautiful which you can share with others. I have another song titled “A Page in my Heart” which I will be releasing this week! I have gotten so many creative spurts ever since I left Canada, so I’m seeing where this goes. 

A few days ago I went over to my airbnb host’s place for a potluck, and it was so wonderful. First of all, the people who were there all had an interesting and unique background. Two were yoga instructors, one was a freelance translator who also sang Celtic songs (we sang one together), another one was a mindfulness coach (who offered to help me get started on my professional blogging journey), and we even had the best Citar player in Malta give us a live performance. It was a really good time, and everyone just had the most positive vibes. While I was there, I felt like these were the kinds of nights that we live for, and the kind of people you should surround yourself with. Genuine, good, people.

A few cool things that have happened lately: I had a team building day at work, and I was appointed leader of my group. I felt so in my zone, that I realized that I need to have a manager position in the future. There is opportunity for growth at my school, so I will keep

you updated. We also had a fun Halloween party, and I went as a Canadian and even brought a jug of maple syrup. I travelled to Bulgaria for my sister’s birthday, and it was an amazing time like usual. I’m flying to Ukraine next week to see my friend Nastia from Canada and my dad and grandma! I’m very excited.

I have been staying active, where I go for long walks or runs nearly every day! In fact, I am off to a run right now, where I will meet Anouk and we will make a nice brunch and podcast episode at my house. I am looking forward to the week ahead, and grateful for the week I just had. 

I am sending love to you, and hope you are enjoying November!

Yours truly,

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