One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

A constant reminder that

life if not a problem to be solved.

Dear friends and family,

I hope you are enjoying the fall colours and spirit. I definitely miss it here in Malta. However, just this morning, we had a high of 22 and the sun was shining so bright.

I automatically woke up with a warm feeling in my chest. I woke up in a really good mood, with my cozy duvet around me. I decided right there and then that I wasn’t going to plan my day. I got up, didn’t check my phone, and got dressed. I left my phone at home and headed to the marina.

The Valetta Marina is a place that I feel really good in. It’s definitely made for quite rich people, because it’s in quite an expensive area of Malta, but so far I’ve only met kind and smiley people.

I sat on a bench and watched the yachts go by. I reflected on my week, and wrote in my journal. I actually only have a few pages left in that book! My friend Carina gifted it to me before I left to Europe in May, so it holds the weight of 5 months’ worth of emotions, stories and thoughts. Before she gave it to me, she said that when she travelled to Brazil, it was the best thing she had. And now I get why. Even if not to remember the moments I’ve had during my travels, but the mere fact of taking time to write my feelings by hand is amazing.

I will be going to run a few errands this afternoon after choir practice and finally buy some beautiful pots for my flowers, as well as a new journal. I’m so excited! 

I’m taking things slowly, and it’s great.

In other news, work has definitely calmed down a little bit, and I feel like I’m starting to get into the groove of things. I feel like I’m starting to get the know the kids a little bit better, and am thus planning better suited sessions for them. I still really enjoy the job!

Something really strange and funny happened this week. Within the span of 7 days, I made new friends and managed to change my perspective quite a lot. I reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen in a month, and we had some nice talks and cooked delicious food. Then I met a girl whose name is Vienna! And I didn’t know her name until the end of our lovely conversation. I truly believe in cosmic powers, and since I was complaining about not having any “close” friends in

Malta, they just all came rushing in. I also got closer with a friend from volleyball, who shares similar humour to my brother in law, so I feel really good around him. All weekend I had no plans, but slowly but surely I got invited to meaningful dinners and drinks with people I want to be closer to.

It was quite pleasant to feel wanted, especially by those I admire and respect. A close work friend randomly texted me a couple hours ago and invited me to a drink in a city I’ve never been to, and I was wondering what I would do tonight. I’m really glad that I’m slowly starting to build these connections.

In terms of goals, I didn’t follow my schedule that well this week, to the point where I didn’t go to work on Thursday because I was feeling so overwhelmed. So, I decided to reduce the list to only one must/should and could a day. Because there are days where I come home at 8pm, and don’t have the energy or time to do my goals, so having one priority will help, I hope. 

 Well, I’m off to choir practice, which will be in a community centre, but I also started a pop choir on Wednesday evenings with my neighbor! We are doing an arrangement of blinding lights, and I’m loving the community feeling. I’m starting to find my place. 

This week, I’m going to try to focus on taking things slow, like I did this Saturday. Life is much more beautiful when there are no stressful plans, and when you take things one step at a time. This will be a challenge, but just like my spontaneity, it can be honed and worked on.

Wishing you all a lovely fall week, please do send me photos of the changing leaves, I miss them so!

Cheers and love.

Teaching my friend Aimeric how to cook Pad Thai

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