Should We Challenge Ourselves More?
Should We Challenge Ourselves More?

Should We Challenge Ourselves More?

I’m pleased to see that so many of my new connections in Vienna have agreed to join me on this journey and take a chance on my stories. Welcome.

Let’s jump right into it.

I’ve realized a few months ago that I’ve achieved most things that I set out to do. I dove into self-development, graduated from University, travelled, moved to Vienna, built a community, developed my singing career and did some more travelling.

Now, I feel like I no longer have any big goals to aspire towards, since all the ones I set have been accomplished. However, my life feels off.

I couldn’t tell if it was my internal saboteur trying to withhold the pleasure of satisfaction and peace, or if my higher self was screaming on the inside, giving me signals that there was more out there.

It was in fact the latter. Humans thrive through drive and triumph, thanks to the lovely hormone dopamine.

I was no longer challenging myself, and instead was filled with uncomfortable feelings.

I took this as a wake up call to think about what I truly wanted for my life, instead of merely settling for good enough.

Something I really enjoy is helping people reach their potential, and thus I share my personal experiences through this blog. As some of you may remember, I used to post insights weekly, but as soon as I got comfortable in my dream city, I stopped trying to be better.

It’s time to give myself the chance to reach my highest potential, and that means giving myself continuous challenges to grow.

I have already started a program with my partner including healthy sleep and exercise habits, as well as financial responsibility. Yes, I’ve done habit tracking before, and that has definitely given me a good base of behaviours and mindsets. In fact, many of them are now deeply engrained into my subconscious, that I do them without thinking. However, I don’t want to just “wake up early”. I will be more intentional and specific, including the time of waking and what happens after the alarm rings.

I want to build a holistic and spiritual life that is always evolving.

Besides my personal goals, I am also continuing my path of life coaching. I strongly believe to be the best coach I need to embody the corresponding lifestyle.

I will be offering my services very soon, starting with a free 30-minute consultation to give you a new perspective on a problem or hurdle you are currently facing.

I’m curious to hear your perspective. Do you have a morning routine that you stick to? Have you recently felt lost in the next decision in life? Please comment below, or, if you receive my emails, you can directly reply to me there. I read every single one.

Yours truly,


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